Skin Rejuvenation
Skin Rejuvenation creates an electro-permeabilization of skin cells. As a result, it ensures an optimal penetration of our Natural Serums to nourish the skin. Those are filled with nutrients such as Amino Acids, Vitamins, Trace Minerals, Plant Stem Cells and Hyaluronic Acid. Skin Rejuvenation works without any shock or thermal stressors to the body and offer instant, progressive and long-lasting results. You can book online today for an appointment.
Advantages of Skin Rejuvenation
Non-Invasive Face-gym with No downtime | Natural and green Bio-active serums and products | Highly Efficient and Safe | Painless and relaxing | Customized treatments to address any type of skin, concerns and ethnics | Instant non-surgical facelift | Naturally instant, progressive and cumulative results | Tones for structural support | Skin Training treatments, combined with skin nutrients | Increases firmness and elasticity | Improves the skin texture | Minimizes pore appearance | Enhances skin brightness and corrects unwanted tones | Optimizes circulation | Safe for eyelids/eye-area (eyelift) | Safely combined with any injectable (alternative or the ideal complement) | Targets face and body zones (Head to Toe).
What is Skin Rejuvenation?
It is an innovative, scientifically proven French technology that actively participates in skin rejuvenation with Non-invasive Anti-Aging skincare. It uses 7 different micro-currents combined with the electroporation method in a Professional and High-Tech Device.
Sliver Patented Mask
The Silver patented mask diffuses all the bio-cellulose masks component deeper in the skin, without electrode. It replenishes, hydrates, nourishes, smooths, plumps and has an antiwrinkle effect. Hands-free care for face and neck treatment. Use with our face and neck bio-cellulose masks provided for this purpose.
Body roller
The Body Roller allows doing targeted treatments: stretch marks, cellulite, or areas with sagging skin. The Body Roller can treat more or less large areas such as elbows, arms. waist, hips, thighs, stomach, legs.
Conductive socks and gloves
Hands and feet care to soften and nourish the skin. Treats dryness of the skin, heel cracks. age spots and hyperpigmentation. Hands-free hand care and foot care treatments.
Face (neck and Decollate) roller
The Face (neck and decollate) Roller targets small areas such as eyelids, dark circles, age spots. hyperpigmentation, or double chin for instant results! The various nutrients found in our serums make it possible to treat all types of skin and problems (wrinkles, sensitive skin, dryness. redness. rosacea. sunburn, acne, sagging and loose skin, dull complexion). For an advanced anti-aging treatment during a session. combine the Face Roller with the Conductive Gloves and the patented Silver Mask.
Silver conductive gloves
Silver conductive gloves improve the muscle tone and provide deep exfoliation for a natural glowing instant Facelift. For best results. combine the Silver Conductive Gloves with the patented Silver Mask. Silver Conductive Gloves improve muscle tone for firming of the face, neck and body.
Which forms of Skin Rejuvenation are available?
Lumex Beauty Center offers a highly popular and versatile form of Skin Rejuvenation, an innovative and scientifically proven Skin Rejuvenation Concept actively participates in the rejuvenation of the skin.
The following is available at Lumex Beauty Center:
Skin Zero Gravity
A 90 minutes session consisted of face & neck lifting, repair any aged spot and tighten your skin giving it a more natural and complete look with our Gold Serum. A great alternative to Botox and Injectables.
Skin Face Lift
A combination of Lifting Serum with a 60 minutes session will give you a immediate result reduce in wrinkles, volumize your face to a completion and provide a lifting affect to your natural look.
Skin Deep Clean
A Calming Purifying Serum will create a balance to your skin, calming the inflammation by purify and deeply clean the surface of the skin. The great thing about this is that the whole session only lasts for 45 minutes to restore your skin to its health stage.
To schedule your consultation for a Skin Rejuvenation, book online today for an appointment.